December 2022
Dear Delegates
It is our pleasure to invite you to the Delegates ‘Meeting 2023, taking place between March 3-5 at the
International Psychoanalytic University (IPU), Stromstrasse 1-3, Berlin, Germany.
For the registration and further details please note the included information prepared by our Administrative
Secretary, Anne Sauer.
Our biennial meeting provides the possibility to get in contact with colleagues from all the organisation
members and to exchange experiences and views regarding the situation of psychoanalytic psychotherapy all
over Europe. And it is the place where organisational issues and necessary changes within the EFPP can be
presented, discussed, and decided upon. This time the Delegates’ meeting will be hybrid, so we will offer two
ways of participating. For attending the meeting in Berlin the fee is 225€ and for participating online 190€
We will have a round table represented by delegates from each section. The roundtable is going to focus on
Analytical attitudes toward changing settings.
In the forthcoming year, the EFPP Board has to undergo profound personal changes: Three Members are going
to be replaced. Our Vice President & Chair of the Adult Section, Hansjorg Messner, and our Honorary Secretary
& Chair of the C&A Section, Maria Teresa Diez Grieser, are stepping back after fruitful and successful terms. Uri
Levin, Chair of the Group Section, is also leaving the Board after many years of intense work for the Board and
the EFPP community. Moreover, President María Eugenia Cid Rodriguez will stand for re-election.
We would like to remind all delegates that the time frame for applying for the mentioned functions ends on
February 4 2023. We would be pleased to receive your applications with your CV and some lines about your
motivation and aims until then. Please send everything to our Administrative Secretary Anne Sauer at
The new members of the Board will be elected in the section meetings taking place during the Delegates‘
Meeting. According to the constitution, the president will be re-elected by the assembly of all delegates present
at the Delegates‘ Meeting.
In the attached timetable you will find all details for the Delegates‘ Meeting 2023. You are invited to our Gala
Dinner on Saturday, 4 March in Berlin.
In order to facilitate the organisation of our Delegates‘ Meeting, please return the attached registration form as
soon as possible. The deadline for receiving registrations is February 1, 2023.
Looking very much forward to meeting you in March Berlin!
Best wishes, also on behalf of the EFPP Board
María Eugenia Cid Rodriguez Maria Teresa Diez Grieser Hansjorg Messner
EFPP President Honorary Secretary Vice President
Registered Charity Number 1046731 European Federation Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy