The Frances Tustin Memorial Trust
We would like to encourage members and candidates of your society/organization to submit papers for the Frances Tustin Memorial Prize. The paper (submitted by e-mail) should be a previously unpublished, psychoanalytically oriented, clinically focused paper addressing the treatment of primitive mental states, in general, and autistic disorders or states, in particular, in children, adolescents or adults. The submitted paper should be related to, expand and extend Frances Tustin’s thinking. The paper should be no more than 25 pages in length, double spaced, 12 points font, with no more than 6500 words (including references), in the English language. The deadline for submission is April 1st, 2020. The body of the e-mail, to which the paper is attached, shall contain all identifying and contact information and may contain any other communication to the Trust desired by the author. However, each attached paper must be completely cleansed of anything that would identify the author, this in order to insure fairness in choosing the awardee. Papers should be submitted to
The prize winning paper will be announced during June 2020.
The author of the Prize winning paper will be invited to present the paper at The Annual Frances Tustin Memorial Lecture at Tel Aviv University. The FTM Lecture is an all-day conference co-sponsored by the Frances Tustin Memorial Trust along with The Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
The next Lectureship day will take place on November 6th, 2020 at Tel Aviv University. The Lectureship day will feature the 2020 recipient of the Frances Tustin Memorial Prize and discussants.
Details about submission of papers can be also found on our website:
December 10th, 2019
Tel Aviv
Lifetime membership
We would also like to encourage you as individuals/couples/institutions to obtain a Lifetime Membership of the FTMT by a one-time donation of $250. This membership will keep you posted about the trust’s activities as well as enable you to receive a discount when registering for activities organized by the trust. Details of procedure for registering to the trust can be obtained at
Board of Trustees
Alina Schellekes (Israel), Chair Dr. Dana Amir (Israel), Prof. Yolanda Gampel (Israel), Joshua (Shuki) Durban (Israel), Nechama Faber Ben-Pazi (Israel) Prof. Didier Houzel (France), Suzanne Maiello (Italy), Joel Miller(Israel), Dr. Judith Mitrani (USA/France), Dr. Theodore Mitrani (USA/France), Dr. Tami Polack (Israel), Prof. Maria Rhode (Great Britain), Tessa Zadok (Israel)